Pesachim 34 - December 25, 10 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 34 Today’s daf is sponsored by Susan Jaeger in memory of her beloved mother, Beatrice Jaeger, "who died 22 years ago this month, and whose presence I still feel everyday in my life." Three opinions are brought to explain the Mishna Terumot 9:7 regarding saplings of impure truma that are planted - it removes the impurity but are forbidden to eat. To whom is it forbidden and why? Within the context of the second answer, the gemara brings a debate between Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish regarding the disqualification of one who does not watch his truma or sanctified items properly. What type of disqualification is it? The third answer assumes that truma and sanctified items are treated in a stricter manner than other things. Three other proofs are brought for this. 

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