Pesachim 39 - December 30, 15 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 39 Today’s Daf is sponsored by Marsha Wasserman in honor of her son Dr. Noam Wasserman, Dean of Sy Syms School of Business at YU. "Thank you for encouraging me to study daf yomi as you have been doing for many years. I am fortunate to have you as a son who motivates and encourages not only his own students but also his parents. We love you and are very proud of all of your accomplishments." And by Erin Piateski in honor of the 14th yahrzeit of Dr. Beth Samuels a"h. "Beth's life was dedicated to Torah learning, and in particular, to expanding Jewish learning opportunities for girls and women. Beth would have been thrilled to see the large community of women learning daf yomi." Today’s Daf is sponsored in honor of the 14th yahrzeit of Dr. Beth Samuels a"h on December 30th, 15 Tevet. Beth's life was dedicated to Torah learning, and in particular, to expanding Jewish learning opportunities for girls and women. Beth would have been thrilled to see the large community of women learning daf yomi. And by Debbie Gevir in the memory of her mother, Yocheved Gindsberg on her sixth yahrzeit today. Besides being a model of hesed, kibud horim, and grace, Yocheved was active in torah learning and teaching, especially for women. יהי זכרה ברוך What can one use to fulfill one's obligation for marror? What are all the different types of vegetables mentioned in the mishna? Other sources are brought which list other types. Is there one type more ideal than the others? Can things other than vegetables be used that are bitter? The gemara continually compares matza to marror to derive various criteria. Rav says that all the types that can be used for marror can be planted together in one area. The gemara tries to understand what was he trying to say. One can eat marror moist or dry - is this just for the stalk or also the leaves? What about shriveled? Pickled? Cooked? Stewed? Can you use maaser sheni produce? How would this differ from the same question regarding matza from maaser sheni? What types of things can be done with bran that would or would not lead to leavening? If the food is already baked, it can no longer leaven, even if placed in water.  

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