Pesachim 41 - January 1, 17 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 41 Today’s daf is sponsored by Rachel and Oren Seliger in memory of Rachel's father, Avner Yossef ben Yehuda Aryeh and Zelta Friva, on his 31 yahrzeit. "Avner Yehuda was a baal tshuva as a teenager. He was always in awe of people learning Talmud. He would be very proud to know that his children are learning daf yomi." And by Rivkah Isseroff l'iluy nishmat Yaakov ben R' Yehuda Leib "who encouraged torah learning for all his daughters, and would be so pleased to see his daughter and granddaughter, Alisa Benayoun, learning the daf." And by Carol and Art Gould "in recognition of the great goodness that we have received in learning that Carol's PET Scan results are clean and that she remains in remission from her lung cancer. We thank HaShem for His mercy. We thank the incredibly warm, supportive and loving Hadran Zoomer community and Rabbanit Farber for their concern." And by Rhea Brown in honor of her daughter in law, Liz Fisher’s birthday. "Happy Birthday Liz and keep studying. Liz loves the daily podcast and has turned me into it as well. Love Rhea and Ron." One cannot add flour to mustard or to charoset (a dip made with vinegar) as its pungency may cause the flour to leaven. If one did, can one eat it or does it need to be burned immediately before it leavens? Rabi Meir and the rabbis disagree - but do they disagree about both or only about the mustard? Why the difference? The gemara moves to discuss in depth and from derashot from the verses in the Torah regarding the commandment to eat the meat of the Passover sacrifice roasted and not partially roasted or cooked in water. What if it was cooked in other liquids? Its own liquids? What if it was cooked in the hot spring of Tiberias?  What if it was eaten totally wraw? Is the prohibition to eat it prepared in the wrong manner also an issue during the day of the 14th or only on the night of the 15th? Does one receive one or multiple sets of lashes if one eats it cooked or partially roasted? Or possibly no lashes as it is a lav she'bichlalot - one prohibition that includes a number of things. What if one ate is roasted during the day? Does one receive lashes - isn't it a negative commandment derived from a positive commandment and the rule should be no lashes.

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