Pesachim 43 - January 3, 19 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 43 Today’s daf is sponsored by Professor Jonathan Ben-Ezra and Dr. Robin Zeiger on the yahrzeit of Jonathan's father, Aaron Ben-Ezra. "He was passionate about Jewish learning and worked diligently that both his son and daughter would have a quality Jewish education." And by Avi Hoffman in honor of Perel Mindal bat Menachem Mendel, “eemee moratee.” What is the jewelry mentioned in the mishna that is problematic on Pesach? Why did the mishna list food items by name if they also listed the general principle? Who is the tana of our mishna who holds that chametz that is found in a mixture but dissolved and chametz nukshe is forbidden as a negative prohibition in the Torah that one would receive lashes for? There is a difference of opinion whether is it Rabbi Meir or Rabbi Eliezer. The gemara brings Rabbi Eliezer's derivation of mixtures from the Torah and questions why he doesn't derive that one receives karet for it? The gemara discusses the different verses in Exodus Chapter 12 and explains also how we derive that women receive karet for eating chametz and also how we derive that they are obligated to eat matza as theoretically it is a time bound positive commandment.  

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