Pesachim 44 - January 4, 20 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 44 Today's daf is sponsored by Sharon Hausdorff in memory of her mother, Minna Friedman, Menucha bat Moshe Yehezkel on her 10th yahrzeit. And by Susan Cashdan in memory of her dear father, Yitzchak ben Moshe Chuna on his 12th yahrzeit. He so inspired me with a deep love of Hebrew and lifelong learning, enabling me to work here in Israel and to learn Daf Yomi. And by Susan Shabsels in honor of Elisheva Rappaport. "Ellie, thank you for making our Daf Yomi meetings happen each week!"  In what cases do we say that heiter joins issur for requisite amounts - meaning if you eat an item that the forbidden item is mixed into the permitted item, do we measure the requisite amount needed for liability from the whole mixture? Rabbi Yochanan and Zeiri disagree about when this principle is used. Abaye questions Rabbi Yochanan's opinion (quoted by Rav Dimi) from a mishna in Tvul Yom 2:3 regarding impurity of a porridge with teruma spices mixed in. According to Rabba bar bar Chana, it becomes impure because if one ate an olive bulk of it, one would be liable. Is it because of heiter joins the issur or it is because one ate a whole olive bulk of the spices? Rav Dimi answers that it is the latter and Abaye asks several questions on his theory. IF Rabbi Yochanan derived from the Nazir the laws of heiter combining with issur only for a nazir, how does that work with a braita that derives the law for flavor not being nullified in a mixture, which is also derived from the same word by nazir? He must hold like Rabbi Akiva who holds the same as him with regards the previous principle. So where does he derive laws about flavor not being nullified? A number of suggestions are brought - milk and meat, kashering pots. How do the rabbis react to his proof if there derive it from nazir? 

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