Pesachim 45 - January 5, 21 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 45 Today’s daf is sponsored by Elaine Hochberg in honor of her husband, Aryeh Hochberg. "Thank you for your support of all that I do and for learning Daf Yomi with me." And by Emma Stitcher "in celebration of all those who are on this amazing Daf Yomi journey and to Rabbanit Michelle and the Hadran team for their inspiration." And by Keren Sherrington on her birthday, in memory of her grandfather, Abraham ben Yitzchak Baruch and Rachel z"l, and her grandmother Chana bat Shraga Fievel Shprintze z"l. It is with everyday love, longing, and prayer that the family I am establishing and Torah learning brings nachas and light to your souls.    If the rabbis learns from "wine soaked" that flavor has significance and they learn from there to all other cases in the torah, , Rabbi Akiva learns from "wine soaked" of a nazir that permitted and forbidden items combine, wouldn't he also learn from also to all other cases in the Torah, and yet Rabbi Yochanan limited this law just to nazir! If one uses dough in a kneading bowl to fix a crack, does one have to get rid of it before Pesach or is it considered nullified? Would the same hold for laws of a chatzitza, barrier for toveling the bowl if it become impure? There are different interpretations brought to explain the case in the mishna. Food that is not edible but can be eaten by a dog, is that considered food for laws of impurity?

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