Pesachim 5 - November 26, 10 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 5 This next week of learning is dedicated in memory of Major Itai Zayden and Corporal Lihu ben-Bassa who were tragically killed in a plane crash in the course of training on Tuesday. Our hearts go out to their families. Today's daf is dedicated by Silke Goldberg in memory of her mother Leoni Kimmel z”l who was an amazing teacher and whose first yahrzeit has just passed. And by Peninah Lamm in honor of Tina and Shalom Lamm and Dodi Lamm who finished Masechet Eruvin! From the Elm Street Lamms. And by Victor and Caroline Ofstein and Abi and Jonty Blackman in honor of their mum Lyn Fisher - on her birthday today - may she have continued good health and happiness עד 120, and in honor of the respective 20 and 40-year yahrzeits of her dear parents, our grandparents, Edna and Harry Isaacs. May our learning be in their zchut and may their neshamot have an aliya. And by Shulamith and Joel Cohn for a refuah shleima for Tova Mattel bat Chana Ettel.  From where do we derive that it is forbidden to eat chametz on erev Pesach and from midday? What is included and what is excluded from the prohibition against "seeing chametz" and "finding chametz"? How is this derived from the verses?

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