Pesachim 54 - January 14, Rosh Chodesh Shvat, 1 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 54 Today’s Daf is sponsored by Nancy Kolodny to Lisa Tawil Kolodny, "our wonderful daughter-in-law, on the 25th anniversary of her becoming a member of our family. Lisa introduced me to Hadran and is my inspiration to start each day with Daf Yomi and the outstanding teaching of Rabbanit Michelle Farber." And by Debbie Ziering and Rebecca Levy in honor of dear friend Dodi Tobin, Miriam Dodi bat Chana Yocheved. Rosh Chodesh, is recognized as a special womens’ holiday. Dodi, your faith in Hashem inspires us all, and B’ezrat Hashem, the merit of this Rosh Chodesh, together with the prayers of your many friends and family, should bring you a refuah shleima. Also a refuah shleima to Hadar bat Sharon Sheli. Do you make havdala with a fire after Yom Kippur? Or only on Shabbat? Why do we make a blessing on the fire? Why on Yom Kippur do we use a candle that was lit from before Yom Kippur? Was fire created on Saturday night? Or Friday evening? What items did God create at twilight on Friday? What was created on Saturday night? There are differences of opinions. Other sources are brought that relate to creation of various items or concepts. There was a custom not to work on Tisha B'av in certain places. Also Torah scholars dfid not work. Shmuel says that in Bavel there are no strict fasts only Tisha B'av. To what was he referring - as Shmuel says that twilight of Tisha B'av is not forbidden? Rava and Rabbi Yochanan disagree and hold that Tisha B'av is forbidden during twilight. Could one possibly have to fast two days in a row on for Yom Kippur? 

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