Pesachim 60 - January 20, 7 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 60 Today's Daf is sponsored by Yonatan Huber in memory of Tzafrir ben Shaul and Yardena z"l, "A god-fearing man who loved learning torah." Passover slaughtered not for its own sake (for example as a peace offering - if on the fourteenth day, it is invalid - if on any other day, it is valid and is brought as a peace offering. Rav Papa asks if when the Mishnah speaks one who sacrifices it for its own sake and not for its sake, does it mean within one stage of the sacrificial process (and then only valid with Rabbi Yosi’s opinion_ or does in mean in 2 stages and even Rabbi Meir would agree? The gemara tries in several ways to answer his question, but without success. Then a question is asked what if it was not the 14th and one brought an animal designated for a Pesach sacrifice for its own sake and not for its own sake – would it be comparable to the case in the mishna and be invalid or would this be different? Rabbi Dimi says that it is invalid and Rabbi Yirmiah says that it is valid. Rava rules like Rabbi Yirmiah and Rav Ada Bar Ahavah tries to reject his reasoning but Rava justifies his words.

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