Pesachim 61 - January 21, 8 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 61 Today's daf is sponsored by the Segel-Nissan-Noy family in memory of their father, Rabbi Shmuel HaLevy Segel. Is it possible to make a comparison between the disqualification of l'ishma, for the sake of a different sacrifice,  and the disqualification of changing owners and say that if Pesach not l'ishma is valid in a Passover sacrifice performed not in the right time, would change of owners also be valid if done to a Passover sacrifice not in the right time? Passover sacrifice is invalid if slaughtered for people who can not eat the sacrifice or for those not registered for that animal or uncircumcised or impure - but if one included them in a group with people who are not invalid, it is valid. Does an inclusion of uncircumcised people in one's thoughts regarding sprinkling the blood invalid? Or not? Raba and Rav Chisda disagree on this issue and each brings a proof from a different understanding of the same braita. But Rabbi Ashi rejects the premise of both their proofs.

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