Pesachim 66 - January 26, 13 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 66 Today’s Daf is sponsored by Erica Kolatch in commemoration of the 24th yahrtzeit of her father, Richard Glube, Hillel ben Yosef Calman z"l. "Although he had very little Jewish education or practice, when I became observant he took it as a challenge to make me always feel welcome at home. He believed in forging your own path, and would be very proud that his daughter and granddaughter are learning gemara and keeping up with Daf Yomi." The discussion between R. Eliezer and R. Akiva continues - is it possible to override Shabbat in order to sacrifice the Passover sacrifice regarding actions have been done the previous day? The gemara quotes a braita in which it is told that Hillel ascended to the presidency (became a Nasi) because the Bnei Bateira forgot the halakha regarding Pesach, which fell on Shabbat and they did not know whether bringing the sacrifice overrode Shabbat or not. When Hillel knew the answer, he was appointed to be the Nasi. Later that day, he began to belittle the Bnei Bateira for not knowing the halakha and not learning from Shemaya and Avtalion. Their response was to ask Hillel a question regarding one who forgot to bring the knife to slaughter the Pesach sacrifice on Shabbat, could he bring it? Hillel then said he forgot the halakhah and the way to learn it was to see what the people are doing as if they are not prophets, they are the sons of prophets. The story describes what the people did. Then the gemara raises various questions on details of the braita. The Gemara learns from the story and other characters not to be arrogant as Hillel did and not to be angry. How do we know that the Tamid and the Pesach can be brought if the majority of the people or the kohanim are impure?      

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