Pesachim 69 - January 29, 16 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 69 This week's learning is sponsored by Paul and Danielle Nacamuli in honor of her daughter, Ayelet Yancey's bat mitzvah. "We're so proud of you and can't wait to see where your Jewish journey takes you! Love, Paul and Ima." Today's Daf is sponsored by Gabrielle Altman in honor of the yahrzeits of the Honorable Myriam Altman, Naomi Rosen and the shloshim of Aviva Rolnick, "beloved, cherished and treasured family and friends whom I will always miss and hold forever in my heart." And by Rachel Geballe in honor of her sister Ellen Werlin. "I am so honored to be learning daf yomi with and alongside you and your daughter Avigayil. You are an inspiring duo! I can't wait to see what the next year of dapim holds in store. Happy birthday!" And by the Hait family for a refuah shleima for Rabbi Joel Cohen, HaRav Yoel HaKohen ben Dina.  The Gemara discusses the words of R. Eliezer and R. Akiva in the Mishnah and brings braitot with expanded discussions between them. The gemara explains the discussion between them in our mishna regarding the matter of does sprinkling the purification waters override Shabbat or not. In the end, the gemara concludes that Rabbi Eliezer himself also didn’t hold that it overrides Shabbat and Rabbi Akiva was trying to remind him of that. in this matter. The gemara then asks why in fact does Rabbi Eliezer not hold that is overrides Shabbat if he holds preparations for mitzvot do override Shabbat. The gemara brings two answers, the first of which is rejected. The first one claims that one who is not capable of doing the mitzva in the current state, one does not override Shabbat to enable the mitzva. The second answer is that sprinkling is not necessary for the fulfillment of the mitzva. According to who do we hold regarding preparatory actions for mitzvot in general overriding Shabbat? The mishna then brings details regarding a holiday offering that was sacrificed on the fourteenth of Nissan with the Pesach sacrifice. When was it brought and when was it not brought? Are the details similar to the Pesach sacrifice or not?

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