Pesachim 70 - Shabbat January 30, 17 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored by Professor Jonathan Ben-Ezra and Dr. Robin Zeiger in memory of Jonathan's mother, Phyllis Ben-Ezra (Pnina bat Yisrael and Rivka) z"l whose yahrzeit is today. "She believed in, and worked diligently for, quality education for both her son and daughter." A chagiga sacrifice was sacrificed with the Pesach sacrifice to enable the meat of the Pesach sacrifice to be eaten while one is satiated. Under what circumstances was the chagiga not brought? Are the laws of the chagiga like a regular chagiga sacrifice that is brought on the holidays or are they like the Pesach sacrifice. Ben Teima holds that they are like the Pesach sacrifice as is derived from Shmot 34:25 while the rabbis disagree. How far does Ben Teima take the comparison? The rabbis held that the chagiga sacrifice does not override Shabbat. Yehuda ben Dortai disagreed and was upset with the rabbis for not insisting on sacrificing it on Shabbat and therefore moved down South in protest so that he would be exempt from bringing the Pesach sacrifice. What was his source and from where did the rabbis derive their opinion?

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