Pesachim 75 - February 4, 22 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 75 How did Rabban Gamliel roast the Passover on a metal rack if it is written in the mishna that it is forbidden? The gemara explains that the rack he used was different. If you heat up an oven with Orla branches and sweep them away and bake a bread in the oven, is it considered gaining benefit from the forbidden orla? No! But how does this fit in with a braita that says that the Passover sacrifice cannot be roasted in that way (in an oven after the coals were swept aside) because it says twice in the verse roasted on a fire. From there one can derive that only because the verse specified, but otherwise it would be considered roasting. The gemara brings two answers. Rebbi says that the Passover sacrifice can be roasted over coals. Is putting it on coals considered a fire? The gemara brings a contradictory braita which learns from a verse about leprosy that fire would not include coals were it not for a drasha. There are two resolutions - one distinguishes between a coal from a tree (wood) and a coal of a metal. The gemara then questions this by the death by the hands of the court known as burning which was performed by pouring molten lead down one’s throat. This seems to say “burning with fire” includes even a coal of a metal. The other resolution "corrects" the braita by leprosy to include the coal in the category of fire even without the drasha. Rava brings another contradiction to the words of Rebbi from a braita which also seems to indicate that coals are not considered fire. Abaye and Rava each reread the braita to answer the contradiction.

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