Pesachim 76 - February 5, 23 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 76 Today's Daf is sponsored by Ruth Rotenberg in commemoration of the yahrzeit of her daughter Tanielle Gavre'ea Margalit. "Tanielle a'h had a unique innate love of hashem, the torah and fellow man. We continue to hold her close and learn from her relatively short and powerful life." And by Faye Darack in honor of Tamir Feldman. "Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah. Love Sabba and Savta." If the meat of the Passover sacrifice touched the side of the oven and was roasted because of the heat of the oven and not the fire, or the sauce touched it and was absorbed back into the meat, thereby having the meat cook from heat and not fire, what needs to be done? If the Pesach sacrifice was smeared with oil of truma, how can it be fixed? Rav and Shmuel disagree regarding one item that falls into another is it the top one that overpowers the bottom or the reverse. For example, when meat falls into milk and one is cold and the other is hot, which one prevails the lower or upper? The gemara raises some difficulties from our mishnah for Shmuel who said that the lower prevails. Then they bring braitot that support his opinion. Shmuel also said salting foods is the same as boiling in terms of cooking milk and meat. But Rava limits his statement to food that has so much salt in it that one cannot eat it. The gemara brings up a controversy between Rav and Levi as to whether or not steam is considered significant. The gemara brings a difficulty on Levi from a braita regarding the roasting of two Passover sacrifices together. Rav Meri brings a source to show that the debate between Rav and Levi was also a subject of a tannaitic debate. Bread baked in the oven with roasted meat, cannot be eaten with dairy food.

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