Pesachim 79 - February 8, 26 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 79 Today's Daf is sponsored by Regina Raphael in memory of her mother Rose B. Raphael on her second yahrzeit. "She was an advocate of women's learning and independence. Rose was the first in her family to attend College and had a career in television before starting a family. She always maintained a professional career until her passing starting a new career in real estate in her 60's." And by Elisheva Gray in memory of a dear teacher and friend, Yoel Melech ben Moshe v'Sarah, z''l. "His passion and fervor for Judaism and Jewish learning has been and continues to be an inspiration for me." The gemara gives another explanation for the words of a Rav who said that the mishna was ab initio but if the blood was put on the altar, the sacrifice is valid, even if the meat is impure. The suggestion is that Rav holds like Rabbi Yehoshua. Also the rest of the mishna corresponds to Rabbi Yehoshua. From where do we derive that in other sacrifices, if the cheilev or the other parts that are burned on the altar are still pure, the blood can be brought? The mishna discusses the law that impurity was allowed in the case of a majority of impurity. When does this law apply? What if the public is 50% unclean and 50% pure, is it permitted to bring the sacrifice? Rav and Rav Kahana disagree on the matter. Within Rav Kahana, there are two different ways to understand his opinion. The gemara brings braitot to support each position and then try to reconcile each braita with the other positions.

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