Pesachim 81 - February 10, 28 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 81 Today’s daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Art Gould in memory of Art’s mother Shirley, Sarah bat Avraham v’Ziche Reicha. Today is her 7th yahrtzeit. She was a life-long learner and a striver; a woman born before her time. She sewed, she made mosaics; she was always busy with something. In today’s environment she would be running a Fortune 500 company - and doing a great job to boot. Once her three children were old enough, she went back to school, earned a master’s degree and created a new career doing social work and counseling as well as publishing four books on raising a family. She lives on in the tallitot and quilts she made for so many members of her family and her synagogue. Art sleeps every night under an official Shirley Gould quilt. Is unknown impurity that is known to be permitted by a halacha l'Moshe mi'Sinai for the Nazir and Pesach sacrifices only for the owners or also a kohen, only for impurity from a dead person and not any other unknown impurity (like a sheretz or zav) only for Nazir and Pesach or also for the Tamid daily sacrifice, only if he finds out after the blood was sprinkled or even before? What is done with a Pesach sacrifice that becomes impure it is entirety or the majority? What is it is just a small part or it is left over beyond the permitted time to eat it (notar)? Both had to be burned but on in the Temple and one in Jerusalem. Why is there a difference in the law? Those who were stingy, would do it in the Temple so as to use the Temple wood and save their own wood. 

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