Pesachim 82 - February 11, 29 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 82 Today's daf is sponsored by Julia Lager-Mesulam in honor of her father, Robert Byron Lager's 7th Yahrzeit. "He would be amazed that I am participating in Daf Yomi. He always taught us the importance of learning about our heritage. He is in my thoughts." And by Carol Robinson and Arthur Gould in memory of Carol’s mother, Irma Robinson, Hudda Bat Moshe, z”l. Today is her 6th yahrtzeit. "Irma met Carol's dad Lou in her hometown of New Haven during WWII. They fell in love. Irma moved to Chicago to marry him, leaving family and friends behind. She built a rich life in the Chicago area including work she loved at a nearby high school library and active participation in her synagogue. She made wonderful friends that lasted her lifetime. She loved playing bridge and traveling with Lou. Sadly, four years after she was widowed, Irma developed Alzheimer’s. Carol traveled monthly to Chicago to help make the hard decisions and watch over her care. My sister and I were blessed that though her illness progressed, she never forgot who we were. She would be proud of Carol studying daf yomi." And by Phyllis and Yossie Hecht in memory of Phyllis’s father, Rabbi Yerachmiel Binyamin ben Harav Zalman Tzvi Witkin (Jerry Witkin) on his 12th yahrtzeit. "We remember my father who is so missed in our lives as he was a Yosher Lev, חבר לכל ראיך, שמח בחלקו, and a man who personified במקום שאין איש השתדל להיות איש. My father was a true source of Nachat to his friends, family and klal Yisrael. He was a loyal friend who made all feel comfortable and relaxed. He was a super dad Who knew how to learn so well and pre Rabbi google days could find answers and sources to all torah questions asked. He was the dad who came and strategized with us about all our team sport games and taught us how to be great learners and Torah Jews. He certainly would have been proud at the accomplishments of Hadran and my being part of such a talented learned group of women. I know he enjoys hearing the shiurim from his spot above in the Beit Midrash shel Maalah. He was zocheh to make Aliyah with my Mom, albeit it with terminal cancer and live for only another 8 months after. But this was 8 months more than even Moshe Rabbeinu was zoche to "יהי זכרו מבורך מעתה ועד עולם." There is a contradiction between our mishna and a different mishna regarding where one burns meat of a sacrifice when a part of it became impure. How is the contradiction reconciled? If one burns it in the Temple, one uses the wood from the Temple but one can't bring one's own wood. And if one burns it in one's house, one must use one's own wood and not wood from the Temple. Why? If the Pesach went out of the walls of Jerusalem, one burns it immediately. If the owners died or became impure, one waits overnight and burns it on the 16th of Nissan (ibur tzura). From where are these derived? They try to learn it from the story of Moshe and Aharon during the days of the sanctification of the Mishkan when Moshe reprimands Aharon for burning the sin offering, but that would only teach high level santities and not lower level like the Pesach offering. In the end they conclude it is a halakha l'Moshe from Sinai. The gemara brings the opinion Raba bar Avuha that meat that is disqualified isn't burned immediately and explains how he derives it and why he doesn't derive that it is burned from the Aharon story. In the mishna there is a debate regarding what is done with the meat if the owners died or became impure. There is a debate about this debate - do they argue in a case where the owners died or became impure after/before the blood was sprinkled or in both cases?   

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