Pesachim 85 - February 14, 2 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 85 This week of learning is sponsored by Hinda Herman in memory of her mother, Etel Bat Chaim z"l (Ethel Rosenthal), whose 4th yahrzeit is 3 Adar. "Among the many Mitzvot mom performed הכנסת אורחים was the one closest to her heart." Today's Daf is sponsored by Rochie Sommer for her dear friend. Wishing a Refuah Shleima for Chana Adel bas Yenta Fruma. And by Tova and David Kestenbaum in memory of Tova's grandfather Harav Chaim Yakov ben Yitzchok and Yetta Bulka zt"l. "He embodied Torah through his knowledge and his midot. He taught Torah his entire life as a young man sent from Germany to Gateshead Yeshiva soon after his Bar Mitzvah, as a Rav kehilla in the Bronx, and when he and my Bubby made Aliyah to Yerushalyim following retirement. He continued giving shiurim practically until his last day, on 2 Adar 5766. Teaching Torah invigorated him and he had the zechut of having chavrutot with his great grandchildren, who enjoyed every minute of learning with their Ur Zeidy. יהי זכרו ברוך." And by Pamela Kaplan, commemorating the yahrzeit of her grandmother, Debbie Kaplan, Devorah bat Noach z"l. "She was a role model as a leader in the Jewish community, and who contributed so much as a former Hadassah national president." Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish disagree regarding a limb that has meat on one part and one breaks a bone on the other part – is this forbidden or not? Reish Lakish says it is not and Rabbi Yochanan brings two sources that raise questions against him. Why did the rabbis decree that pigul and notar renders one’s hands impure? Would the same be true to something that was removed from the designated area that it is allowed (either outside the azara or outside the walls of Jerusalem? The gemara brings sources to answer this question but the attempts are unsuccessful. One who removes meat is not obligated unless it is placed on the ground. How do you handle a limb that was partially taken out of the walls and partially in, if you cannot break the bones? What parts of the wall, windows, doorways are considered in the walls or outside the walls? 

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