Pesachim 86 - February 15, 3 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 86 Today's Daf is sponsored by Judith Weil in memory of Rav Eliahu Chaim Greenberg z”l on his 46th Yahrzeit. "Grandpa showed his love for his children and grandchildren through learning Gemara with them." And by Dr. Stu and Ellen Shaffren to commemorate the 18th yahrzeit of Sarah bat Moshe z"l, Ellen’s mother, which was yesterday, 2 Adar.  She survived the Shoah in Shanghai, very much valued learning and would have been extremely proud that her granddaughter is now learning her second cycle and her daughter, her first. And for a refuah sheima of David ben Aidel b'toch she'ar cholei Yisrael.  The gemara brings several questions against Rav who held that the roofs and second floors in the Temple courtyard and in Jerusalem were not sanctified. One can eat the Pesach sacrifice by splitting in two groups in one house (even in two different houses) but one cannot move from group to group. This is the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda but Rabbi Shimon holds that one cannot split into two groups. What is the source of their debate and what cases would create a difference in the law between them. The mishna, as well as the gemara discuss different issues that relate to the person serving at the meal. How do they eat? What happens if they nibble in the kitchen on the meat? A newly married woman can turn her face away from the group as she is timid. Some stories are brought of rabbis who visited at other rabbi's house relating to etiquette and sometimes one's etiquette wasn't understood by the other.  

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