Pesachim 87 - February 16, 4 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored by Rabbi David and Linda Freedman's family, in memory of "Zady" Leon Pultman (Yehudah Leib Ben Tzvi Yaacov), on his 6th Yahrzeit. Also for the bar mitzvah of his great grandson Jonathan Freedman, (Yehonatan Ben Yosef Moshe) and for the 94th birthday of "Bubby" Selmy, (Thelma Pultman). And lastly, for the Refuah Shleima of Bat Shevah bat Taube (Sheila Strulowitz) our sister. And by Rabbi Lee Wax in honor of her beloved father, Mitch Wax (Shlomo Michael ben David v’Hinde Malka) whose 5th Yahrzeit is today. "He brought many people (especially young people) to Torah. Yehi Zichro Baruch. And by Dr. Stu and Ellen Shaffren in memory of Stu’s Grandmother, Hentsche Leah bat Shalom. "She was zoche to make aliyah at the age of 92 and lived to nearly 101." If one slaughtered two Pesachs for one person (if he was registered for both), the one that was slaughtered first is considered and not the second. The mishna refers to the case of a married woman - if the animal was slaughtered for her at both her father's house and her husband's house, which one does she eat? On what does it depend? And what about an orphan who has several guardians? Or a slave with two masters? The gemara brings a contradiction regarding the woman of the woman from a braita. Then the gemara moves on to the drashot on Hosea in an attempt to understand what sin Hosea was "punished" for the God told him to marry a prostitute? Exile is considered a positive for two reasons - one that it increases converts into the Jewish people and another that our enemies can't wipe us out entirely. The gemara brings several explanations as why the Jews were exiled to Babylonia?

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