Pesachim 89 - February 18, 6 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 89 Today's Daf is sponsored by Erica Kolatch in commemoration of the 5th yahrtzeit of her mother, "the Honorable Constance Glube, Chaya Rachel bat Shmuel. Connie shattered glass ceilings in the field of law in Canada throughout her life. Michelle was a scholar-in-residence at the Kemp Mill Synagogue in Maryland in spring 2016 while I was in avelut and I have been learning the daf ever since. I wonder what my mother's reaction would be?" And by Risa Tzohar in loving memory of Esther Deena bat Risa v'David on her fifth yahrtzeit. And by Dina Hirshfeld-Becker in memory of her mother, Sarina Bialik Hirshfeld, z"l whose 13th yahrtzeit is today. "My mother told me that she was in the first class at Yeshiva of Flatbush High School in which girls were allowed to learn Talmud, and her father was the teacher (Dr. Manoach Bialik, z"l). Her memory is a blessing that is with me." And by Stuart Pilichowski in loving memory of his mother, Faiga Rochel bat Yosef, "a survivor of the Shoah, who would be so proud of her great-granddaughter, Temimah, for learning Daf Yomi." In a case of five people who sacrificed and the hides mixed and they realized one was blemished and they do not know which was blemished, everyone is exempt from Pesach Sheni. Why don’t they each bring a sacrifice on Pesach Sheni on condition - either it will be a Pesach if theirs was blemished and if not, will be offered as a peace offering? The gemara raises several explanations for why this is not a possibility and from the discussion, we learn about the differences between the Passover and peace offerings. The mishna brings a story about a father who tried to encourage (“bribe”) his children to get to Jerusalem quickly. The gemara discusses the case and the halakhic details. Until what point can one change groups (chaburas) for the Pesach offering? If someone invites guests to add to the group without checking with the others, the other members can give him his share and tell him to create a new group with his food only with the new guest. Is it possible to learn from this case to one where someone eats too much food that the group can give him his portion and tell him to sit separately? Does this also apply to a regular meal?

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