Pesachim 90 - February 19, 7 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 90 Today's Daf is sponsored by Sylvia (Sara Devora) Simmons to commemorate the yahrzeit of her father, Avrom Simelis z”l (Avraham Nachum ben Yisrael). "He was a survivor from Kovno, Lithuania who sang 'Ani Maamin' with fervour, led congregations in prayer, taught me basic Hebrew and inspires my daily learning." And by Esther and Eliakim Katz, in honor of the birth of Baby Girl Wolgin. "Welcome to a healthy beautiful baby girl." And by Sharon Russ "for a refuah shleima to Hadar bat Sharon Shelly, Sima bat Estreya, Itamar Reuven ben Rivka Malkah, and all who need a refuah b'toch sha'ar cholei yisrael" How can money that was used to purchase a share in an animal for the Pesach sacrifice be switched from sanctified to not sanctified? For money to switch status like that, it needs to be placed on a non sanctified item, but here the animal is already sanctified. Can one who purchased a Pesach seels parts of it to make money? People who are impure or not yet finished with the purification process - can they be included in the slaughtering and sprinkling of the blood in the Pesach sacrifice or not? Why is there a difference between different types of stages of impurity?

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