Pesachim 92 - 9 Adar. February 21

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 92 Today's Daf is dedicated by the Tannenbaum family in loving memory of Miriam's father, Jack Zemsky z"l on his 17th yahrzeit. "Leiluy nishmat Yaakov Yitzchak ben Moshe Nachum HaLevi z"l. He modeled & imprinted Ahavat HaTorah & Ahavat Yisrael on his daughters throughout his life. He would have celebrated Hadran's imparting of these values to the world. Yehi Zichro Baruch." People who were forbidden to eat sacrifices on the eve of Pesach such as one who lost a close relative and is an onen and others in similar situations or one who converted that day, are they allowed to be a part of the sacrifice that day and they go to the mikveh and can eat the sacrifice at night? In what cases did the sages put override rabbinic law in an issue where there was karet involved and in what cases did they not override rabbinic law in a case of karet. Who can offer a second Passover sacrifice? Who is liable to receive karet if he/she did not celebrate Pesach Rishon? If someone was too far at the time of the sacrifice and made sure that he was included in someone else's sacrifice, and arrived at night to eat the sacrifice, did he fulfill his obligation or not? Is he allowed to do this?  

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