Pesachim 93 - February 22, 10 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 93 Today's Daf is sponsored by Caroline Ben-Ari in memory of Marshall Kneller (Mordechai ben Gershom) z"l, and in memory of Marie Muller (Miriam bat Shmuel ve-Frimit) z"l on her 3rd yahrzeit tomorrow. And by Steven Perlin in memory of Sheindel bat Micha'el on her 2nd yahrzeit. Rav Sheshet brings a proof for his opinion that one who was far away and can make it there in time to eat the sacrifice cannot fulfill one's obligation. The gemara then brings a bvraita to support Rav Nachman who disagrees with him. The gemara brings a braita with three different opinions regarding in what cases one would receive karet: from Pesach Rishon only, also Pesach Sheni - what is the interplay between them? Does one get a second chance if one purposely didn't bring a sacrifice the first time. If one converted in between or became obligated in mitzvot, would one be obligated in Pesach Sheni or is it only meant for those who were obligated in the first one? What is the source for each of the different opinions? What is considered far away? The mishna brings a debate about this. 

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