Pesachim 94 - February 23, 11 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 94 Today's Daf is sponsored by by Mona Fishbane in memory of her beloved daughter-in-law, Leah Levitz Fishbane, z”l on her 14th yahrzeit. "The light of her soul still shines. Leah's spirit lives in those blessed to have loved her." And by Sara Berelowitz in memory of her mother in law (Sara Tiva bat David Shlomo a"h) Berelowitz. "At the beginning of the daf yomi cycle, my husband and I started learning the daf in order to do a siyum of Masechet Brachot on her yahrzeit. Neither of us thought that we would be still learning the daf a year later."And in memory of Shachne ben Yehuda v'Sara for his shloshim. And by Betsy Mehlman in memory of Harold Mondshein (Zvi Menachem Mendel ben Shlomo v Charna Bayla z"l) on the 37th anniversary of his yahrzeit. "My father was an outstanding baal koreh with a melodious voice and a kind and patient teacher to countless bar mitzvah students. He exemplified Pirkei Avot's saying to "meet everyone with a pleasing countenance." His love of family, jovial disposition and the respectful and welcoming manner in which he greeted people of all ages and from all walks of life inspire me to this day." And by Tina Lamm for a refuah shleima of Rivka Chana bat Sara Leah.  How do Ulla's and Rav Yehuda's approaches by one who is far from the Temple fit with their approaches about one who is impure from a sheretz on erev Pesach? How large is the world and how large is the firmament that separates between the world and the heavens? Rava explains his answer and the gemara brings 5 questions against him. The gemara compares some of the beliefs they have of how the sun/constellations work with the beliefs of other nations during their generation. The gemara grapples with Rabbi Eliezer's approach as mentioned in the mishna that one who is "far away" is one who is not inside the azara. Can this really be? 

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