Pesachim 97 - Purim, 14 Adar, February 26

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 97 Today's Daf is sponsored by Sigal Spitzer in  honor of her mother in law, Abby Flamholz, "for inspiring me and the whole extended family to learn torah, especially daf yomi!" And by Deborah and Binyamin Radomsky in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Betzalel Tzvi Radomsky ben Binyamin HaLevi and Devorah Rut. "We are so proud that he has started learning Daf Yomi this cycle." And by Amy Cohn leilui nishmat her big sister Cindy Navah bat haRav Dov Chaim on her 16th yahrzeit. "She loved to learn Talmud with our father." And by Adam Cohen for a refuah shleima fro Benyomin Zev ben Chaya Miriam. The mishna discussed a case of a Pesach sacrifice that got lost and another was taken in its place. What is the status of the original one if it is found, and what is the law regarding a replacement of the original one, temura. The laws depend on the time it was found. There are two versions of Rava concerning cases where the original animal was found before the second one was slaughtered but the substitution was after. What is the status of the substituted one? Shmuel says that in a case where an animal designated for a sin offering would be left to die, a Pesach in that same situation would be brought as a peace offering. And when a sin offering it left to graze, the Pesach will also be send to graze. The gemara raises some questions against this statement and explains how his statement could be understood.

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