Rosh Hashanah 19 - October 28, 22 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 19 There is a controversy over whether or not Megillat Taanit was canceled after the destruction of the Temple. Some amoraim raise a number of difficulties from tannaitic sources against the opinion of Rav and Rabbi Chanina that the Megillat Taanit was canceled. Through one of the sources brought, we learn that the Megillat Taanit forbade fasting and eulogies not only on the day of an event but also on the day before and after the event. This matter does not hold true for holidays and Sabbaths as the Sages needed to strengthen their own laws but not ones that were written in the Torah and also not to ones written in the Prophets, such as the fast days that were days of rejoicing in the time of the Temple. In response to the last question against Rav and Rabbi Chanina, the Gemara says that the issue was a source of debate among tannaim as well. The conclusion is that after the destruction, Megillat Taanit was canceled other than Purim and Hanukkah. Is Elul always a 29 day month? If so, why do messengers need to be sent in Tishrei? Is Adar always a 29 day month? If so, why do messengers need to be sent in Nissan? When there are two Adars, is it clear in advance how many days there will be in each month or not?

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