Rosh Hashanah 20 - October 29, 23 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 20 Today's daf is sponsored by Diana Bloom "in loving memory of my Zeyde, Israel Marmurek Israel ben Manes, on the occasion of his yahrzeit on 17 Cheshvan." The court in Israel sent a message to Mar Ukva in Babylonia that Nissan is always a 29 day month. They are two different version of Rav Nachman’s reaction to this – whether he questioned it or tried to prove it from a Mishna on Rosh Hashanah 21 that states that witnesses can desecrate Shabbat to testify about the new moon for Nissan and Tishrei. In both versions, the Gemara rejects his question/proof. Ulla came to the Babylonians to tell them that they had added a day to Elul and had done it for them. Why was this good for them and why specifically to the Babylonians and not to the Israelis? Shmuel wanted to set a calendar for those in Babylonia but Abba, the father of Rabbi Simlai asked him if he knew the connection between when the molad is seen and when the new moon can be seen. When Shmuel answered that he did not, he was told that there must be other things he does not know. Rabbi Zeira explains the connection between the molad and the new moon. He also said that when we add an extra day abroad, it’s always the day after the day assumed to be the holiday and not before.  

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