Rosh Hashanah 22 - October 31, 25 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Leah Brick "in honor of my son, Shua Brick, on the occasion of his Chag Hasmicha from Yeshiva University. I am always so proud of you." There are two versions of the story in which witnesses were detained in Lod on Shabbat and told not to continue because many witnesses had come. According to the version in the Mishnah, Rabbi Akiva did it and Rabban Gamliel rebuked him. According to the braita, it was the mayor of Geder (named Zefar) and Rabban Gamliel removed him from office. Can a father and son join testify together about the new moon? There is a debate about this in the Mishna between Rabbi Shimon and Tana Kama. Rabbi Yossi brings a case that happened to strengthen the Tana Kama’s opinion that we do not accept their testimony. Are freed slaves permitted – in the case brought in the Mishna there were two different opinions about it. Who else is disqualified to testify? The Mishnah brings a list of ineligible witnesses according to rabbinic law from the Mishna in Sanhedrin 24b such as the gamblers, those who loan with interest, etc. These witnesses can testify only in case that a woman can also testify. What are those cases? One can not only desecrate Shabbat to get to the court to testify but also others can come if he needs help or he can take sticks for protection or food as needed. Chapter two begins with the theme of the Baitusim who tried to disrupt the rabbis and bring in false witnesses who saw the moon. That is why on Shabbat they permitted them to bring a witness to testify to the credibility of a witness unknown who was unknown to the court. It follows from the Mishna that one witness can testify to his credibility but the Gemara explains that it definitely means two witnesses. But one witness can testify in the Diaspora that they declared in Israel that the month was on a certain date because it is something that will be revealed and there is a presumption that people do not lie about these things. It is told of a case in which the Beitusim tried to hire witnesses to lie about the testimony of the month, but failed because one of the witnesses told the court about it. At first, they would announce Rosh Chodesh by lighting beacons on certain mountain tops. But they stopped because the Cutim tried to disrupt them or and light beacons on the day they did not set as Rosh Chodesh (or possibly they did it not on purpose). So they then relied only on messengers. On which mountains were the beacons lit? There were beacons lit only in a month of twenty-nine days and not on a full month.

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