Rosh Hashanah 31 - November 9, 5 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 31 Today’s daf is sponsored by David and Gitta Neufeld and family in honor of their dear Bubby Fran Stokar on her 90th birthday. “Your resilience, simchat hachaim and love for everyone make us proud to be your honorary children. May you continue to “shep nachas” from all!” Today's daf is also sponsored anonymously for the refuah sheleima of Yosef ben Rina and the continued good health and blessings of Yaffa bat Miriam. What is the song that was said on each day of the week in the temple? Why was each one chosen for that day? What song was sung on musaf and mincha of Shabbat? Just as the divine presence of God was exiled to ten places during the destruction of the first temple, so the Sanhedrin was exiled ten times in the destruction of the second temple. What were the ten places of each exile? Rabbi Elazar thinks there were only six exiles of the Sanhedrin and derives it from a verse in Isaiah 26:5. Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai also instituted that if witnesses came to testify about the new moon and the head of the court was not there, the witnesses could testify in front of other judges and did not need to look for the head of the court. Ameimar had a situation with a woman who was brought to judgment regarding a loan. He excommunicated her for contempt of court since she did not follow him to find him in a different city to rule on the case. When Rav Ashi questioned him, based on the Mishna, he distinguished between the cases - with the new moon we don’t want to deter witnesses from coming next time; with a loan, the woman who took a loan subjugated herself to the one who loaned her the money and therefore they can force her to go to any court of the creditor's choice. What were the nine takkanot that Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai instituted? The last one is a subject of debate.

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