Rosh Hashanah 33 - November 11, 7 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 33 Today’s daf is sponsored by Judy Tychman Shapiro in loving memory of her father, Albert Tychman and her mother-in-law, Margaret Shapiro in the hopes that “the efforts at Torah learning and Tzedaka by their children and grandchildren are helping to raise up their neshamot.” Today’s daf is also sponsored by Lesley Glassberg Nadel in loving memory of her sister Ruth Lewis - Rachel bat Berel haLevi. May her memory be blessed. One is not allowed to do something that is forbidden on Yom Tov in order to blow the shofar, even if it is only a rabbinic prohibition. Children are not prevented from blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashanah to practice. From this statement, it is possible to derive that women would be prevented as they are not obligated to blow the shofar as it is a time-bound commandment. However, this contradicts a braita which says one can also not prevent them from practicing. Resolution of the contradiction: This is a matter of controversy between Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yossi regarding women and smicha, leaning on the animal before slaughtering for a sacrifice – Rabbi Yehuda does not permit, but Rabbi Yosi and Rabbi Shimon do.  The debate related to all time-bound positive commandments that women are exempt from. If they can fulfill the mitzva, can they also make a blessing? This is a source of debate among the rishonim. Why nowadays is it viewed as if it’s an obligation on women as well, even though it seems clear here they are not obligated? Are kids not prevented from blowing, but also not encouraged? A different source says we encourage them to practice. How is this resolved? The Gemara derives other laws from the Mishna relating to intent by shofar blowing and then raises questions from the derivation. How many shofar blasts are necessary? How long are the blasts? What is the sound of the tru’a - is there a dispute whether it is three wails or three moans? Why do you use the shofar? And why should a teki’a be blown before and after each tru’a?  

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