Rosh Hashanah 35 - November 13, 9 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 35 The Siyum is sponsored by Valerie Adler to honor her niece Dr. Ayelet Libson “who we all admire and to Rabbanit Michelle for all the inspiring dapim so far. Mazal tov to all.” Rabban Gamliel and the rabbis disagreed as to whether a chazzan can fulfill one’s personal duty to pray (Rabban Gamliel) or does each and every individual need to pray? It is said that Rabbi Yochanan said that rabbis, in the end, agreed with Rabban Gamliel, even though Rav thought they still disagreed. Also, Reish Lakish held that they continued to disagree. The Gemara questions the statement in the name of Rabbi Yochanan – from a different quote in his name, he says that we hold like Rabban Gamliel, which would indicate that they still disagree. Can one distinguish between Rosh Hashanah and other days in order to resolve the issue? Apparently not, as another source makes it clear that they disagree in both. The resolution is to say that “the rabbis” who agree with Rabban Gamliel was Rabbi Meir as is found in a braita that he in fact holds like Rabban Gamliel. Rosh Hashanah is different as there are many blessings, and not because you have to mention many verses in every blessing because you can say only "and in your Torah it is written" without mentioning the actual verses. Everyone should arrange their prayers before praying. But it is said that these are just prayers that are not prayed daily, such as holiday prayers. So why did Rav Yehuda arrange his prayers on a weekday? Rabbi Shimon Chasida said that Rabban Gamliel would say that the chazzan can fulfill the obligation even for those who are in the fields and cannot get to a synagogue. But the Gemara questions shouldn’t it be the opposite – the people in the city who can come to the synagogue, but don’t, should not be included and only those in the fields who can’t come to the synagogue because of circumstances beyond their control, should be included in the chazan’s prayers? In the end, they bring the statement in the name of Rabbi Shimon Chasida corrected - that Rabban Gamliel said that it only refers to the people in the fields who cannot get to the synagogue, but those in the city who can get to the synagogue and do not come, do not fulfill their obligation to pray by the chazan’s prayer.

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