Rosh Hashanah 4 - October 13, 7 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 4 Today's daf is sponsored by Sami Groff "in memory of my father, Rabbi Abner Groff. It is fitting that we are starting to learn Masechet Rosh Hashana at the time of your yahrzeit – the High Holiday tefillot were the highlight of your year as a Chazan- after weeks of preparation, your incredibly beautiful tefillot inspired all who had the privilege to hear them. We miss you always." And by Rachel Alexander Levy in honor of the birthday of Miriam Sophie Levy. "Happy 8th Birthday to my daughter! You inspire me to learn the daf every day." The Gemara resolved the contradiction Rav Yosef raised in the two sets of verses about Darius (one seemed to have the count start from Nissan and the other from Tishrei) by saying that one took place when Darius was good to the Jews and the other once he became bad. Rav Kahana asks if it is true if Darius became a bad king. Four answers are brought to show that he did become bad. Questions are raised on these answers and some are resolved. Referring back to the Mishna where it said that the first of Nissan is the first for the holiday, what is the relevance of this? One who takes a vow cannot delay in bringing it. What is considered a delay? Rabbi Shimon held that after three holidays pass in their order - and the order begins with Nissan, Pesach. His opinion is one of five opinions regarding this halakha and all are brought in a braita. From where in the Torah is each opinion derived and what does each one do with the verses that the others use for their proof? 

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