Rosh Hashanah 7 - Shabbat October 16, 10 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Rosh Hashanah 7 Today's daf is sponsored by Risa Tzohar in memory of her grandmother Rissel Schwartz Wittels, Rissel bat Dina v'Shmuel Lev on her yahrzeit today. A braita states that the first of Nissan is the first of the year for other issues – for months, determining a leap year and for shekalim for the new year’s sacrifices. Another opinion there adds for rentals. The Gemara delves into the meaning of each of these and then explains why the Mishna didn’t mention them as well. The line in the Mishna about the animal tithes, first of Elul, matches Rabbi Meir’s opinion, as proven by a braita. However, the line before it is Rabbi Shimon (first of Nissan for the holidays, as explained on Rosh Hashanah 4a) and the line after it is Rabbi Shimon, so the structure seems strange. The answer given is that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi held like Rabbi Meir on one issue and Rabbi Shimon on another. But then, how does the number “four” mentioned in the Mishna fit, as there are five separate dates? Two explanations are brought – either the number is according to each Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Shimon separately. Or the number goes by months and not by dates. A braita is brought where two more dates are mentioned, which should add either one or two more cases to the Mishna. Why were these not mentioned in the Mishna? Three answers are brought and questions are raised on each.

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