Shekalim 12 - April 2, 20 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shekalim 12 Today's Daf is sponsored by Rabbi Moshe Schwartz "in honor of Rabbi Gershon Schwartz on his 17th Yahrtzeit by his children. Rabbi Schwartz loved studying Talmud and teaching Talmud to his many students." And for a Refuah shleima for Rivka bat Esther from her family. One who sanctifies all one's possessions and included in that are items worthy for communal offerings (incense) or animals or other items that can be brought on the altar, like wine, oil or birds, what level of sanctity do they have? What does one do with them? The mishna brings different opinions and the gemara delves into these opinions. 

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