Shekalim 16 - April 6, 24 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Shari Judah "in honor of those who worked to help me obtain my freedom and receive a get after over a decade." According to those who hold that the Ark was in fact buried, what else was buried with it. King Josiah was the one who buried it - why? How was the oil used for anointing the vessels of the Tabernacle, kings and High Priests prepared? What was miraculous about the oil? Only the first king in a dynasty or one who there was a debate regarding his appointment were anointed and only in the kingdom of Judah. All High Priests were anointed. Why is there a difference? Anointing of kings is done by the river as a sign of a long kingdom. How large was the Ark and what was inside of it? The gemara brings two opinions and explains the measurements and how the items fit inside according to each interpretation. Two explanations are brought regarding the Aron being covered in gold. How were the ten commandments written on the tablets - 4 different explanations. Was there a Torah inside the Ark or outside? Some say yes, some say no. The gemara brings explanations from the verses to match each opinion.

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