Shekalim 2 - March 23, 10 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shekalim 2 Masechet Shekalim is sponsored by Sarene Shanus and Harold Treiber in memory of their parents, "who taught us the value of learning and of being part of the Jewish community." On the first of Adar, the court would announce about bringing the half-shekel to the temple for communal offerings and to remind people not to plant diverse kinds in close proximity. On the fifteenth of Adar they would read the megilla in walled cities, fix the roads and other preparations necessary after the winter for the upcoming holiday. They would also uproot diverse kinds if people hadn’t done it themselves. We announce on the first of Adar so that the shekels will get to the Temple by the first of Nissan when we separate the money to buy all the communal offerings. Why was that done of the first of Nissan? When do we announce in a leap year? The gemara brings proofs from verses why people may not inherently do that right thing and will need reminding. There were 3 different types of donations to the tabernacle - from where is this derived and what were the differences between them? What are the differences between the first Adar and the second? What do we write on documents for Adar Rishon and Adar Sheni?

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