Shekalim 4 - March 25, 12 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shekalim 4 Today's Daf is sponsored by Naomi Oxman in honor of her beloved father, Rabbi David Younger. "There is no doubt how much we would have enjoyed learning daf yomi together. Your wisdom continues to inspire me. With continued love, admiration and much appreciation." And by Ruth Winkleron on the occasion of getting vaccinated against Covid-19 three weeks ago. "May you all be healthy!" And by Eva Schweber in memory of her father Ken Schweber z"l. Gentiles and Kutim (Samaritans/Shomronim) cannot bring a half-shekel to the temple. Nor can they bring obligatory sacrifices. Does the law of obligatory sacrifices apply only to the gentiles or only to the Kutim or to both? How does this relate to the controversy over Kutim – did they convert only out of fear and therefore not true converts or are they considered true converts? Gentiles cannot bring items for building in the Temple or for upkeep. Is it only at the time the Temple was built or even later. If later, is it just an important item or even insignificant items? Rabbi Meir and the sages disagree regarding the charge of the kalbon, an extra coin which was added to the half-shekel regarding the reason why it was brought? In which case are exemptions granted and in which case is one obligated more than one kalbon? What is the law about siblings who inherited from their father - when does it seem as if the estate is paying for them and it is viewed as a gift which is exempt from the kalbon and when is it viewed as if they are paying for themselves (and will be obligated to pay the kalbon? What is the connection between these different categories and the laws regarding partnerships that exempt one from tithing animals?

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