Shekalim 5 - March 26, 13 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored by Mona and David Schwartz and family in honor of the 27th yahrzeit of their mother and Bubby - Mary Horowitz a"h bat Aharon Halevi & Mirel. "A woman who's home epitomized the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim" And by Sara Berelowitz "in honor of our new grandson, son of Aliza and Ashi Harow." Where would they set up boxes to collect the money for the shekels? Can you transfer the money into larger valued coins or other items valued at the same price? Who is responsible if something happens to the money on the way to the Temple? On what does it depend? If someone took money given to him to bring for them to the Temple and he used it for himself, at what point does he transgress the sin of meila, misuse of consecrated property?

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