Shekalim 6 - Shabbat March 27, 14 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

If one collects money over time to give for one’s half shekel and by accident, one collected more than half a shekel, what is the status of the extra money? In which case do Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel disagree? How does it compare to money left over from a sin offering? What amount was given throughout the generations for the half shekel? Why did the Torah give the amount of half a shekel? The mishna discusses the extra money for various sanctified items and what is to be done with them. The gemara brings several debates regarding some of the issues in the mishna, including what happens with an animal designated for a Pesach sacrifice that was brought as a burnt offering before Pesach – is it considered a peace offering or only if it was brought as a peach offering? If it is considered a peace offering, can it become pigul if someone thinks to sprinkle the blood or do some other action at the wrong time?

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