Shekalim 7 - 1st Day of Pesach, March 28, 15 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

A nazir brings a sin offering, burnt offering and peace offering. What happens to money that is leftover from funds set aside for the nazir? Does it depend on the order in which the animals were purchased? What about leftover bread and libations from the nazir offering? Money designated for redeeming captives or for poor people – can it be used for other things? If it is designated for an individual, can it be used for someone else? What about money collected for burying someone and they collected too much? The mishna brings three different opinions. Does it go to his heirs, left until Eliahu comes to determine, or to make a monument for the dead person. The gemara then says that tzadikim do not need monuments as their Torah is their monument. A story is told of Rabbi Yochanan who gets upset as his student Rabbi Elazar for a number of reasons, one of them being that he didn’t teach things he learned from Rabbi Yochanan in his name. Rav Yaakov bar Idi convinces Rabbi Yochanan why to not be upset with Rabbi Elazar. The gemara expands upon the idea of Torah scholars living on after their death by people mentioning the Torah they taught. The chapter ends with a comment on how it is more important to do justice than to bring public sacrifices. What are the three times a year that they take money collected from the half-shekel and purchase sacrifices with it? Three opinions are brought. It is the same dates as for the animal tithes.

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