Shekalim 9 - March 30, 17 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored by Laurence A Coe "in honor of Mimi and Miki Neumann Glazak, grandchildren of Michael Neumann z"l, whose life embodied the values of Torah and who inspired me to begin Daf Yomi." And by Rabbi Claire Ginsburg Goldstein "in honor of her children Sam, Shira, and Shira's Ivan, Seth and Sarah Rose who carry on my parents, Shmuel Yudl ben Osher Zimmel haCohen z"l, and Mindl Devorah bat Shlomo z"l. My children represent my parents' legacy and values of continuing to build their Jewish homes in the Jewish community. May their Jewish journeys continue to be blessed." The gemara discusses the measurement of a quarter-log. In that context, a situation is brought where Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi had blood of a dead animal and deemed it pure. The rabbis asked if it was because there was less than a quarter-log or is the blood of an animal always pure (and only the flesh is impure)? Different answers are given. Curly-haired people should not enter the Temple treasury as they may hide money in their curls. Various verses are brought to prove that people need to make sure not to arouse suspicion among others. How exactly did it work when they put the funds in baskets - from which baskets did they take the money? What did each of the three baskets represent? What would Rabban Gamliel do specifically? Why? How was the money taken? From which basket and when? What did the each of the three collections represent? The chapter end with a famous quote from Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair explaining how one good behavior leads to the next, etc. etc. and how one can start with zrizut and it will ultimately lead to bringing Eliyahu the Prophet. Rabbi Meir also brings a statement about what can gain someone entrance into the World to Come.

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