Sotah 14 - 7th Day of Pesach - Wednesday April 12, 21 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

A number of drashot are brought about Moshe's burial place - how no one knew where exactly he was buried and why specifically was it in Baal Peor. Rabbi Chama bar Chanina taught that one should try to emulate the actions of God as God dressed Adam and Chava, visited Avraham when he was sick, comforted Yitzchak when Avraham died, and buried Moshe. The Torah begins and ends with the gemilut chesed of God. Why did Moshe want to go into Israel so badly and how did God respond to this? The second chapter begins with the mincha (meal) offering that the husband of the sotah brings in the Temple. How is this meal offering different from all other meal offerings? A contradiction is found between our Mishna and a braita as our Mishna says that regular meal offerings were brought in a sanctified vessel and the braita says they were not. How is this resolved? Since the braita mentioned many other details about meal offerings, the Gemara goes through the braita, bringing sources for the details listed.

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