Sotah 37 - May 5, 14 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Yehuda's name includes the letters of the name of God because he sanctified God's name in public. When was this? A braita is brought to answer the question in which two versions are brought regarding the question of who went into the Red Sea first - the tribe of Benjamin or Nachshon the son of Aminadav from the tribe of Judah? Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov explains how the Levites split up - the elders were in between the two mountains and the others were on top. Rabbi Yoshiya says it split between those who were able to work (to carry the Ark) and those who could not. Rebbi has a totally different understanding of where the people stood - he thinks that all the tribes were at the foot of the mountain - some at the foot of Mount Grizim and some at the foot of Mount Eival as when the verse says "on Mount..." it means next to, as is proven from other instances where on means next to. How were the blessings and curses recited? How many covenants were formed on that day? When else were there covenants formed as the ones on that day? There is a debate about what was received when - Rabbi Yismael holds that general rules were given at Sinai and details at the Tent of Meeting (ohel moed). Rabbi Akiva holds that both were received at Sinai and repeated at the Tent of Meeting and then a third time at Arvot Moav. Rabbi Yehuda ben Nachmani said that all the blessings and curses only relate to one who commits adultery. More details of how the blessings and curses were recited are derived from the verse regarding those who stand on Mount Grizim for the blessings and those who stand on Mount Eival for the curses.

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