Sotah 38 - Shabbat May 6, 15 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sotah 38 What are differences between birkhat kohanim that was performed in the Temple and the one that is performed outside the Temple? Seven braitot are brought which each derive laws of the birkhat kohanim from the words “this is how you should bless.” Each braita deals with a different issue, raises questions about it and makes derivations from other verses in order to explain the rule. The rules are - the blessing is done in Hebrew only, while standing, with hands lifted, using the special name of God (in the Temple only), women, converts and freed slaves are included in the blessing, the kohanim and the people face each other and it is said out loud. How are the kohanim called up and on what does it depend? Eight statements of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi are brought – four about birkhat kohanim and four showing the importance of not being stingy. What is done in a case where all the congregants are kohanim? There are two contradictory statements about this, but they are resolved. Those who stand behind the kohanim are not included in the blessing. What about those who are in front but there is some sort of barrier? What about those on the side?

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