Sotah 4 - April 2, 11 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sotah 4 This week's learning is sponsored by Naomi Clapman in honor of her birthday, which was on the 8th of Nissan. "With thanks to the Hadran team and Rabbanit Farber who prepare and teach the daf. Wishing all who listen to Hadran's daily daf yomi shiur a year of abundant and revealed brachot in all areas of life - physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally." Today’s daf is sponsored by Jill and Jeff Shames in loving memory of Seena Baker, שפרה בת זאלה וברכה, on her 8th yahrzeit. "The days fly by, the years pass and you remain the wind beneath my wings.”  Today's daf is sponsored by Jordana Hyman in honor of their wonderful son Zvi Amichai Hyman Borowski, on his giyus today. "We are so proud of you, our first sabra, as we observe your sense of shlichut and commitment to serve our country and our people. May Hashem protect and bless you always, with your fellow soldiers. Mum and Dad." Today's daf is sponsored by Susan Kurzmann l'iluy nishmat HaRav Yosef ben HaRav Shmuel Yitzchok Liebb, her father, A"H, on his 5th yahrzeit. "A brilliant yet humble man, a consummate teacher, and a wonderful father who showed me the importance of always learning and studying." How long must the woman and man be alone in a room for the husband to be able to bring her to the court as a sotah? A braita is quoted in which several rabbis answer this question, each with their own answer.  A similar but contradictory braita is brought and the Gemara goes through one by one resolving all the seeming contradictions. Why are there so many different opinions on this topic? A verse that was quoted in this context, connecting a prostitute and a loaf of bread is extrapolated in other ways - one having to do with one who does not wash hands before eating bread and another to say that poverty will befall one who sleeps with a married woman. Once on the topic of washing hands, a few other statements are made about one who does not wash one's hands and how it should be done. Another verse relating to one who commits adultery is extrapolated in two ways. One speaks of arrogance and the Gemara then diverges to talk about that and then circles back to the long-term effects of committing adultery.

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