Sukkah 13 - July 20, 11 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today's daf is dedicated by Valerie Adler in honor of her daughter, Anoushka Adler on her wedding. "Dedicated to my darling daughter on her wedding day. May you be blessed to continue in your path and be a wonderful partner to Sagi in good health and happiness. Mazal tov - Ima and Abba." Different rabbis mention different items that can be used for sechach as they are not susceptible to impurity. Even though bundles can't be used, items that are bound by nature are permitted. Also one item that is bound is permitted. Regarding two items, there is a tannitic debate. The gemara discusses different types of bindings and whether or not they are permitted to use as sechach. Can one use maror as sechach? Rabbi Abba and Rabbi Menashia disagree regarding a law that Rav Huna said regarding handles of fruit and cases where they would not be susceptible to impurity in a way that handles of fruit usually are. Is it only regarding grapes in a winepress or also in stalks of grain used for sechach?

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