Sukkah 28 - August 4, 26 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Faye Schwartz "liluy nishmat avy, Moshe Schwartz, Yakov Moshe ben HaRav Chayim Klonymous on the 25th yahrzeit of his passing. My father was an ish tam who possessed tremendous emunah despite the many hardships he encountered throughout his lifetime. He was koveyah itim and managed to complete the daf yomi cycle multiple times notwithstanding his working long hours 6 days a week. He taught by example and imbued all of his children with a love of learning and the importance of gemilut chasadim." And by Debbie and Yossi Gevir in honor of the marriage of their son Eliav to Noia Pinhas, that will take place בע"ה  this evening.  "Dapim כ"ה and כ"ו  that we learned this week contained quite a few references to the happiness and state of mind of the chatan as he approaches the impending marriage. These dapim and Rabbanit Michelle's explanations constituted a meaningful motif for me during this special time. Eliav, since you are such a bright and knowledgeable ben Torah, actually having chosen learning and teaching Torah as your vocation, it gave me particular joy to share these passages with you.  May your marriage with Noia be a siman tov and mazal tov for all of us!" Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus would not say anything he did not hear from his rabbi. Did he hear this law from his rabbi? What things did he learn from his rabbi, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai, and how? Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai was the smallest (in stature) of the students of Hillel and yet was great! Yonatan Ben Uziel was the greatest of his students. The dispute between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel over the matter of the minimum size of a sukkah appears in our mishna. Women, slaves and young ones are exempt from the sukkah. From where is this derived? First, that same word came to include women in the obligation to fast. They conclude that one is really derived from the verse and the other from a halacha l'Moshe b'Sinai. Why are these even necessary to exempt women from a sukkah and obligate on Yom Kippur - after all, a sukkah is a positive mitzva that is time-bound, so women are exempt and Yom Kippur is a negative mitzva of which women are bound by just as men are! The gemara brings answers to these questions. What is the law for minors? From what age/stage is one obligated to sit in a sukkah? A person is supposed to make his sukkah his permanent home and his apartment arai (temporary) for the Sukkot holiday. How does one observe this halacha?

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