Sukkah 33 - August 9, 1 Elul, Rosh Chodesh Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today’s daf is sponsored by Dina Hirshfeld-Becker in memory of her father Alan Hirshfeld, zichrono livracha, on his third yahrzeit that was last week (August 1). "He was a loving father and grandfather who was committed to his daughters learning Torah." Can an Egyptian myrtle branch be used for the mitzva of hadas? If the leaves have fallen off, how many need to be left on in order to still be considered able to be used? If the top is cut off but something grows in its place, it can be used. But what if it grew on Yom Tov – do we say that once an object is rejected for a mitzva, it can no longer be used or not? Do we say this isn’t the case only to be stringent but not to be lenient? Is there a difference between something that was not worthy in the beginning and became worthy and something that was worthy, then was rejected and then became worthy again? If the berries are more than the leaves, it is no good. But one can fix it. Can one fix it on Yom Tov? There is a debate regarding this manner in a case where one removed them on Yom Tov to eat and it is related to the debate regarding davar sheaino mitkaven on Shabbat (when one does a forbidden action but that was not one’s intent). Why in this case is it not considered a psik reisha (a case where the melacha will definitely be performed)? How can one fix a binding of the lulav if it untied on Yom Tov? What are disqualifications for arava? In what case will it still be valid even if it is not exactly a willow of the brook?

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